Sunday, January 24, 2016

Earth Magic Oracle Reading for 1/25-1/31

Hope everyone had a good weekend and enjoyed the first Full Moon of the year. I am called to use the Earth Magic Oracle deck by Steven Farmer for this week's reading.

The first card is for the first part of the week--it's Dance--Celebration! We are still in the energies of the full moon--the Wolf moon. We are still feeling wild and free. We danced and played music before we learned to speak to one another--it's in our primal ancestral blood. This is how we told stories and created lasting memories that were passed down to future generations. This is a time of both an honoring and celebration of self, but also a communal celebration in which each person plays their part--everyone's voice is heard and everyone is seen. Rituals are created--Spirit is invoked and connection to Spirit is expressed. "The participation of the community in this heartfelt enactment helps secure the bonds of the people and connects them to their spiritual and ancestral roots. When we celebrate anything in this way, it always touches a deep sense of love, gratitude, and appreciation."

Take this time to focus on what you want to celebrate in your life. If you are feeling depressed and have a difficult time focusing on anything to celebrate--think about a time in your life that was the most celebratory experience you've ever had. That can help you find at least one thing in your life worth honoring and celebrating. Take some time during the beginning of the week to move your body--pay attention to what you're drawn to--what kind of music do you choose? Do you want to move slow or fast? How does the movement make you feel? You may feel called to sing as well--what are you singing? Play a drum or shake your tambourine. Journal your experiences. You might even want to write a song about what you are celebrating. If you feel moved to share your experience and/or your creation, please comment below.

"God's wish is for everyone to enjoy their time on Earth, and part of that wish is to celebrate your capacity to be joyous and express it through your body. Whether in private, with a small group of friends, or a large communal gathering, let music, song, and dance be a part of your sacred ceremony regardless of what you are celebrating. For truly, any celebration is sacred."

For the middle of the week--Fog--Veiled. There will be a slight pause in the middle of the week. You might be feeling a little confused and have difficulty making decisions. Be okay with that and hold onto faith that the fog will lift and the sun will shine through. Allow for silence and stillness.
"...Even within the thickest fog, we can be assured that it will eventually burn off as the sun's rays infiltrate the veil. Once they do so, we can anticipate how the light and warmth will bring us welcome relief from the cold. As the sun continues to disperse the fog, our surroundings become illuminated, and we have the opportunity to continue onward." "....No matter what attempts you make right now to make things happen or move in any specific direction out of impatience or frustration, you risk only creating more confusion and uncertainty. So be still and patient. Wait for that first glimmer of awareness to lift the veil so that you can see the choices before you more clearly and can then choose to align yourself with the will of Spirit."

For the weekend--Volcano--Volatility. Life comes out of destruction and release. Like the Phoenix Rising, a death is required for rebirth and for growth. We will soon be entering the time of rebirth in the Wheel of the Year--with Imbolc, the festival of fire and light, happening next week and the Spring Equinox--we are preparing for our rebirth. Before I pull cards, I meditate and call in my guides and angels. Sometimes my animal spirits show up and sometimes I get images that I know are connected to a reading. One of the images I saw was a dragon. First time seeing a dragon and feeling the dragon energy. I am actually not all that familiar with dragon energy. Something I will explore more. The dragon was red with a scaly serpentine prickly arrow-like tail. This weekend, invoke the primal, ancient, supernatural wisdom within you and the wisdom that comes from the "eruptions" that may be happening in your life. Dramatic changes may make you feel unsafe and insecure, but hold on to the knowledge that it's all happening for a reason. It may help you to reassess your life, your choices, and maybe even your relationship(s). "Although these events may rock your world, know that Spirit is the guiding force behind them. It is a matter of finding your trust that Life knows what it is doing in the midst of these storms of change. It also requires you to make adjustments quickly and to not cling to what was, but instead move forward and welcome with your arms wide open what is yet to come, all from a place of being present in this moment. You truly have nothing to fear."
Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of Volcanos is connected to this card. She shows us that fire can purify, release us from the old to make way for the new, and ignite our passions. "Pele is described as 'She who shapes sacred land,' and it's from this magnificent and powerful goddess being and her periodic eruptions that new Earth is formed as the resulting lava merges with her sister, the goddess of the sea, Na-maka-o-kaha'i." Call upon Pele to help you get in touch with your true passion, or to deepen in your passion--to motivate and excite you. She will help you feel deeply and release fear of taking action to manifest your dreams and desires.

I hope the reading resonated with you! Have a beautiful week--let us know how things unfold for you this week if you're moved to do so.

This is the last week of the New Year's 12-card special, plus Oracle card for $40 (usually $60). I am a little backed up with readings, but if you order yours before the end of the month--and I can't get to it next week, I will honor the offering and do your reading the first week of February.

Many blessings to you and yours!

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