Thursday, January 7, 2016

Reading for the New Moon and this Weekend--January 15-17

The first New Moon of the year is this Saturday. New Moons are great for intention setting, especially for the beginning of the year. This New Moon is a little different because Mercury is in Retrograde, which typically isn't good for intention setting. Even so, if you haven't set your intentions yet for the month and/or the year ahead--I encourage you to do so. I am co-hosting my first New Moon gathering this weekend and we will be burning our intentions. If you feel called, comment below your intention, and I will burn them and help you send them up on the eve of the New Moon.

I am using a new deck for this reading--it is the Silver Witchcraft Tarot deck by Barbara Moore. It is a beautiful deck--I hope you enjoy!

The first card is for tomorrow--Friday. It's The Seven of Swords. Swords represent air and air is the realm of the intellect. It's where we speak our truths, analyze situations, and make decisions. It's connected to justice, communication, and anything connected to the intellect--to reason. Fear and worry can live here because they are of the mind. It is a very powerful suit. This is a card of resistance--the wind will always blow, while it's possible to walk against the wind--is that the right course of action? Sometimes it's better to go with the wind. The world may be pushing you and you might be pulling in the opposite direction. Today, think about how you can go with the wind, rather than resist it.

For Saturday--the New Moon--I am pulling a card from the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Deck by Colette Baron-Reid. This is such a timely card--it's Birth-Rebirth! From the Sacred Journey Markers-the message here is one of inspiration and new life. This is time for a new project, endeavor, career, relationship, or idea to form and be birthed into the world. This is the perfect time of year for this card--with birth and re-birth--there is always a little death. This is a time for transformation--anything that is old from the previous year or anything that has caused pain can transform into a new way. We are going through the process of birthing/re-birthing--and the time leading up to the birth can feel uncomfortable and may be painful. There will be a shift into your new life and beauty will arise out of surrender and release. You have come so far on your journey and are now in a place where you can celebrate your ideas, accomplishments, and all the new gifts that are coming into your life. Remember that when you are connected with the Divine, which is the true source of creativity and power--your dreams will become manifested.

For Sunday, I am returning to the Silver Witchcraft deck. The card is Two of Wands. Wands represent fire. Passion, action, creativity, risk-taking, and self-development are all connected to the element of fire/wands. This card represents the winter and the moment just before dawn. This card is also connected to the Winter Solstice/Yule--we are just coming out of this time of year. This time is still about quiet contemplation and holding onto faith. The sun rises each day--there's always a new day. There can be an energy of impatience here--that you might be eager to get started and there may be some frustration here. This card is a reminder that this is a time to wait, to be patient, and to trust in divine timing. This is just a pause--this is not a long wait. As soon as you see the first glimmer of light--you will intuitively know that it's time to start--you will be given a boost of energy to help you along your path. For now ponder your options and make plans--that way when you do take action--the pieces will come together and things will seemingly effortlessly manifest. This is the moment before the leap--the leap of faith and the leap of action. This card is very much connected to career--changes connected to career, new businesses and decision making that affects your career and potential new businesses or existing business.

I hope this reading resonated with you--it is resonating so deeply with me. May you have a wonderful New Moon weekend! I am offering a special for the month of January--it's a 12 card reading for the months ahead in 2016. It's only $40 (usually $60). To purchase--click the Paypal button at the top right corner of the home page. You may also email me at or message me on my Facebook page:

Many blessings to you and yours! I can't wait to see how the year unfolds for you!

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