Monday, January 18, 2016

Healing with the Fairies Reading for Tuesday, January 19-Sunday, January 24

People in my circles have been dealing with a lot of grief, loss, depression, mental and physical health problems. I am feeling called to do a reading for healing. We have a full moon in Leo this weekend. As some of you know the full moon can heighten any feelings you're having, but there is also an opportunity to release and heal. This weekend is a great time to do some heart chakra meditations--to work on heart healing and to do something creative. It doesn't have to be anything fancy--you could even do some simple crafting or drawing with your kids, if you have them. A message I am getting right now is that a lot of us are doing or needing to do some inner child healing--to nurture and love our inner child. Being around children can help you get in touch with that part of you--if you feel you've lost it.

For Tuesday and Wednesday the card is Be Honest with Yourself. This is time to do some inner reflection. This card echoes what I was already sensing--you may be feeling stuck, depressed, angry, and/or anxious. These feelings can come up if we aren't being honest with ourselves. You might feel like you can't afford to be honest with yourself or that you don't have a choice in a particular matter. This card is just a gentle nudge for you to admit your true feelings to yourself. I know it's really cold where most of us live right now and it might not be a good time to get outside--if it's not, at least look out a window at the trees and the sky. Watch the clouds roll and sit in direct sunlight for at least 15 minutes. Close your eyes and allow the warmth of the sun to wash over you. Buy some flowers if you can and do a flower meditation. Even if you can't see or hear the fairies, send them your thoughts, your feelings, and your experiences. Ask them to help you get in touch with your deepest innermost feelings. The fairies can hold a mirror up to you so that you can see and admit your truth. Here's an affirmation: "It's safe for me to be honest with myself and with others. I speak my truth with love."

For Thursday and Friday the card is Inner Power. This is a perfect card and makes perfect sense after the first one--in being honest with yourself, you move into inner power. Allow yourself to experience and express your true power--this is not the power of the ego--this is true pure divinely inspired power. Your guides will bring you opportunities to use and expand your power in ways that bring blessings to you and everyone around you. Heaven needs the lightworkers of the world, including you, to realize and utilize their power. You are being asked to release any fears you might have surrounding your power. Also--have you given your power away? If so, especially for the women out there--it's time to take it back!! You have a right to feel a sense of high self-esteem and to honor yourself by taking very good care of your body, mind, and spirit. Keep working on your dreams and aspirations for what you want to manifest--spend time in prayer and meditation. Maybe continue with some of the suggestions that go along with the first card. The better you feel about yourself and your sense of self-worth, the more comfortable you will be with owning and utilizing your power for the greater good of all. Here's an affirmation: "It is safe for me to be powerful! I have all the power of the Universe flowing through me and supporting me!"

For Saturday and Sunday (the full moon) the card is Make Music. This also echoes the messages I was getting before I pulled cards--this weekend is a time to do something creative. Take time to sing, play a drum, or any other musical instrument--if you don't feel called to make music--turn on some music and feel it lift your soul to a higher level. You will be in a better mood and have a more positive outlook. The fairies play music at their celebrations because they know it is therapeutic. You are guided to surround yourself with music this weekend--maybe go and listen to some live music--dance around. Whatever music you're drawn to--it might be slow and relaxing, or quick and joyful. Take time to notice how it makes you feel--does your mood feel lifted? Do you have more energy? Make note of any songs you might hear repeatedly, either on the radio or in your mind. The lyrics, or the memories brought up by a song, could contain messages for you that will answer a specific question that might have been on your mind of late. Here's an affirmation: "Deep within my soul, I now accept and experience the healing power of music."

I hope you enjoyed the reading and you have a week full of reflection, healing, and creative expression.

I am still offering the New Year's special for the 12 months ahead, plus an intuitively chosen oracle card for $40 (usually $60). This special will be over on the 31st. This is such a great time of year to get a reading--it's so comprehensive and you can re-visit it all year. This is also a great week to get a reading--harnessing the energies of the full moon.

Many blessings to you and yours! May you have deep healing and restoration this week!

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