Sunday, February 7, 2016

Aquarius New Moon and Valentine's Day Reading for February 8-14

Tomorrow (Monday, February 8th) is the New Moon in Aquarius and the Chinese Fire Monkey New Year. This is still a time of year of major new beginnings. We are still shedding the past--the old year, giving gratitude for the gifts and lessons there. Aquarius is a very rebellious sign and the energy of Aquarius is very innovative and can bring about impactful awakening and healing. The Chinese Fire Monkey New Year brings an element of adventure and ambition to 2016. 

I am using the Fairy Tarot cards for this reading. I wanted to use a deck that had some festivity, liveliness, and an Aquarian vibe to it.

The first card is for the beginning of the week and it's Strength. This is a major arcana card, some of the most powerful in tarot. There can be some challenges during the beginning of the week--you are being asked to maintain your divine inner strength. There may be some irritability this week--in yourself and/or others. Try to maintain neutrality and remember that kindness and forgiveness are important aspects to strength. There is much power in them. The symbols of the lion and the lamb in this card represent that strength within gentleness. Another message here is to stay strong in your convictions--be who you truly are--no apologies--no need to justify yourself to others.

The second card for the middle of the week is Ace of Spring. Aces are all about new beginnings and spring is connected to the element of fire--full of passion, creativity, action, adventure, self development, and risk taking. For those of us in the Southern states--Spring is kinda already here--flowers are already in bloom--life is stirring. For those of you in the Northern states, where winter is still going strong--life is stirring beneath the snow and ice. Last week was the Celtic Pagan Sabbat of Imbolc, celebrating fire and light. Brigid, the goddess connected to Imbolc, is the protector of home, the flame keeper, and young mother who nurtures the seeds of spring and our inner seeds we plant for growth, renewal, and abundance for the year. Now is the time to plant those seeds and to start taking action. Stand in your strength and have the courage to go after your dreams and desires. This is a time of opportunity as well, particularly connected to your career--to your work life. Release any inclination towards perfectionism and feeling like you have to have every detail fleshed out. As you make steps, all the next steps will make themselves known as you continue and move forward on your path.

The third card, which is for the weekend and for Valentine's Day is another major arcana card--Balance. Make sure you take time to listen to others perspectives this weekend. There may be a need for compromise. There is an energy of impulsivity this week--try to balance these energies within you and refrain from making rash decisions. It is important to take some quiet time this weekend--meditate, spend time in nature, spend some time alone, journal--do anything that helps you relieve stress and anxiety. Call upon the fairies to help you release these and embrace playful and peaceful feelings. This time spent in reflection may help you come up with solutions to a decision you need to make. Things will come to you creatively. The images on this card symbolize the balance of feminine energy (red) and masculine energy (white). They come together in the Chalice, reminding us that the balance of the two energies within ourselves and within our environment that brings about a balance that brings creation, success, health, and joy. There is a lot of imbalance between the feminine and masculine energies in our society. It can cause so many unnecessary problems, conflict, and pain. For the women in the work world--especially in environments where you feel like you have to take on and express more masculine energy than your divine feminine. Remember that when you leave the office--leave that at the door. If you are single, it will help you attract the right partner--if you are in a relationship, it will deepen and strengthen your bond. Ladies--take some time this weekend to deepen into your feminine energy. Sometimes the quickest and most effective ways are to pamper yourself, dress like the goddess you are--put on some sensual music and move your body in soft, rolling movements. If you are married or in a relationship--involve your partner when you feel like you're in your feminine energy. Valentine's day is a perfect time to find that balance again. Sensuality and luxury abound.

I would like to take this time to address something that often isn't at this time of year. For those of you out there who are grieving the loss of a relationship or someone, have been going through a divorce, or have been searching for your partner for a long time--I know Valentine's Day can be challenging and sometimes painful. Just remember that you aren't alone and that Valentine's Day isn't just about romantic relationships. Take some time to express your love and appreciation for your family and friends--surround yourself with those who love and support you. This is also a time to do some self care--love yourself--you are beautiful and deserve love and abundance.

Whether you are celebrating your relationship, marriage, family, friends, yourself--or all of the above, I am sending you lots of love and blessings for an abundant and successful year!

I am offering a choice of 3 different spreads for February's special--one is a relationship spread--this is usually about a romantic relationship, but it can be for any relationship. It's a 12 card reading that brings about clarity and insights into yourself and into your partner. This spread can also be applied to single people who want to get information about a future relationship. It is $40 (usually $60). The second special offering is a "should I stay or should I go" spread. It's a 6 card reading for $20 (usually $30). The third special is a heart healing/heart chakra spread--are you experiencing a broken heart right now? If so, this is the spread for you. It is a 5 card spread, with an Oracle card pulled for a specific question you might have. I am offering this for $15 (usually $30).

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