Monday, February 29, 2016

Reading for March 1-6: The Lady of the Lake

March is here! I'm already feeling the spring--living in the South--the daffodils are already in bloom and we are having 70 degree days. Many changes have been happening in my life--I started a new job and have been having a hard time balancing all aspects of my life. I don't have the time currently to do a 3 card reading for the week, but I thought it was more important that I do a reading than no reading at all--I hope you agree. So, I have decided to pull an Oracle card for the week from the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid.

The card for the week is The Lady of the Lake--A Messengers of Avalon card. It's interesting that the sword comes up in this reading--I have been working a lot with the energies of Archangel Michael this weekend and will continue to work with him this whole week. Here is the female parallel of Michael--The Lady of the Lake's sword is the sword of truth. The energies of this card and the focus of this week is to be honest, to act with integrity, and to be courageous. There is no second-guessing here. You are being called to move forward regardless of the challenges that may come with this action--this change.

"In the ancient legend of Avalon, the Lady of the Lake presented Merlin with the sword of truth, which had been claimed by Arthur, who became the High King of Britain. The magic that welded this metal was fired by the will of the God and the Goddess. Consequently, when the Lady of the Lake appears, she demands nothing short of total truth and integrity; and she asks that you be mindful of the signs, signals, and omens that present themselves to you. Seek the sword of truth within yourself and great success will be yours. Have courage when the Lady appears, the strength of Avalon is behind you in support of your quest for wholeness and abundance."

The month of March is a month of renewal, planting seeds, and starting to take action. We are starting to come out of the slumber of the winter months, even if winter is still around you--the energies of spring are blooming within you. What do you want to start to nurture within you--what do you want to grow this year? Really look at what you are feeling and what you want--have faith and courage to move forward in creating a life that is soul fulfilling.

I am offering a special for the month of March--it's a rebirthing/renewal spread. It is a 6 card reading-looking at balance, growth, regeneration, "fertility", and potential in your life. I will also pull an Oracle card for your question. I am offering this reading for $20 (usually $30). Email me at, private message me at or simply click the Paypal button on the top right corner of my home page on this blog.

Many blessings to you and yours!

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