Sunday, May 22, 2016

Abundance, Release, Manifest: Full Moon in Sagittarius and end of May Reading

Wow! Life has been a little crazy, but I am back with a powerful reading for the full moon energies and the end of May. This reading applies to the rest of the month. I am starting with focusing on today and the next couple of days, which are still within the energies of the full moon. I am using the Earth Magic Oracle cards by Stephen Farmer. The card is Tsunami: Wake-Up Call. This being a water and moon card, makes perfect sense for the next couple of days. A Tsunami is one of the scariest and destructive natural occurrences. I used to have repetitive nightmares of seeing a tsunami come my way, sometimes I would experience the wave washing over me and taking me away. I have always known that these were wake up call dreams. Sometimes I had the opportunity to escape to higher ground, or to the very top floor of a high rise building. This card signals a wake up call for your life--there may be some major loss or other intense event in your life right now. You probably weren't prepared for it and may be shocked or at least surprised by the things that are happening. You are being called to confront the truth that exists in this--there is no need to amplify what is already a dramatic experience. You may be able to start to recall signs that foreshadowed this happening. Take time to recall if there were obvious or subtle clues that you may have ignored or dismissed. This is a calling to pay attention to your instinct, just like animals, who rely on their primal instinct for survival. Listen to your intuition and seek the higher ground of spiritual truth.

I am using the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle cards for the rest of the week's reading (through May 29). Love (The Sacred Journey Markers) is the card. This card is here to remind you to show love and kindness to all you come across. It's time that we shift the perspective that we are just a solitary person on this earth. We are all a part of a living, breathing, unified system. Love is what created us, and we need to keep it flowing. This card is also calling you to receive. The unending flow of giving and receiving is one of the keys to the Law of Attraction--to living a life that's truly abundant. Notice any ways that you may be blocking love. What are the changes that you need to make to allow? We are given this life from the Divine, we are responsible for being the stewards of that love, which exists without conditions. Love is respectful, mindful, sacred, and it acts in accordance. Love reminds us that Mother Earth, the oceans, and all that reside are a living being. "Love is the very essence of the Divine in you, and it sees the Divine in others." Take time before you act, before you speak, and think--is this what Love would do? The answers will empower you with divine truth and integrity of action. How does this act transform you? 

The last card, which is for the last couple of days of May (May 30-31st), is from the Llewellyn Tarot deck. It's a Major Arcana card, which are the most powerful in tarot, Temperance: Keeper of the Well. This deck is based upon myths, legends, and the culture of medieval Wales. Legend says that beneath the waters of Cardigan Bay lies the submerged kingdom of the Cantre'r Gwaelod, or "bottom hundred." Fishermen claim that on bright days one can still see its ghostly ruins casting shadows on the ocean floor. It was once a fertile plain supporting sixteen towns before the waters rose in the sixth century to swallow a span of land measuring forty miles long and twenty wide. This legend is very involved and complex, with different variations across many different cultures. The simplified and tamer, latter versions tell of how the land was protected from the sea by an embankment of stone and sluices. Gwyddno Garanhirs, lord of the realm, entrusted the care of the embankment to a man named Seithennin, who was a notorious drunk among an already indulgent population. Seithennin left his duties to his assistants, who left them to theirs, who left the wall to itself and thus to decay. One night a banquet was held, and Seithennin being "in his cups" left the sluices open, and the sea raged in to conquer the land and its people in one dreadful night. One version translated from the Black Book of Carmarrthen, is that "Seithennin had violated a young girl who tended a magic well, which then overflowed and flooded the lands of Gwyddneau." 

The meaning of this card is moderating and adapting. You will be able to manage a difficult situation in a calm and thoughtful way. There are themes of healing, balance, reflection, and patience connected to this card. This card is sometimes called the Art card and tells of visionary art that brings ideas from one world to the next; thus being of two worlds. Transformation, success, nurturing, good health, protection, self-control, harmony, and inner peace are also themes connected to this card.
May you all have a beautiful, abundant, and healing rest of May. I am offering an Abundance, Releasing, Manifesting tarot special for the month of June, in honor of the Summer Solstice/Litha--the mid-point of the year, and longest day of the year. There is a 6 card spread for $20 and a 10 card spread for $40. Email me at for yours, or if you're on a computer (doesn't work on phones), you can simply click on the "Buy Now" Paypal button at the top right of the home page. You can also visit me on Facebook at
Blessings to you and yours! 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Shadow and Rebirth--Full Moon in Scorpio/Pluto Retrograde Reading for April 19-24

Pluto went retrograde today, which brings up a lot of energy of the shadow. Our wounds can come to the surface more during this time. Since Pluto rules Scorpio, there is a deep energy of destruction, rebirth, power/ego issues, upheaval, but there is also the opportunity for deep transformation and healing through this. Since we are moving into the energies of the full moon, we are able to harness these energies for major release and renewal. 

The card that I pulled for this week is from the Earth Magic Oracle deck by Stephen Farmer. It's Spring Equinox--Rebirth. While we have already passed the season of Spring Equinox--this card is speaking more to the idea of rebirth. Death is connected to birth/rebirth, which couldn't exist without it. What needs to "die" within you? What do you need to shed before we move into the big energies of the fertile, fiery, and sexual energies of Beltane and the beginnings of summer? We are getting into the heart of Spring--all the life that is coming about--reminding us of the continuous cycles of Mother Earth. How are these cycles reflected within you?

"Sometimes birth" (rebirth)"can be painful, particularly in that passage just before delivery, yet what emerges can be fresh and beautiful. Be with the emergence of this next cycle with faith and grace."

I am offering a very special reading for the rest of April--a Shadow Tarot spread. You can choose either a 6 card or a 9 card reading. This reading looks at your shadow side--what is your shadow, why do you fear it, what is your challenge, what could you learn and grow from it? The 6 card reading is $20 and the 9 card reading is $35.

You can purchase yours by clicking on the Paypal button on the top right corner of my blog's home page. You can only see this button on a computer for some reason. If you cannot see the Paypal button, you can email me at or simply go to Paypal--click on send money--click on Friends and Family and enter in my email address and the amount. I can also invoice you via Paypal, if you'd prefer.

I will be restructuring my offerings/business, so look for exciting additions soon.

Hope you have a very transformational week! Blessings!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Reading for March 1-6: The Lady of the Lake

March is here! I'm already feeling the spring--living in the South--the daffodils are already in bloom and we are having 70 degree days. Many changes have been happening in my life--I started a new job and have been having a hard time balancing all aspects of my life. I don't have the time currently to do a 3 card reading for the week, but I thought it was more important that I do a reading than no reading at all--I hope you agree. So, I have decided to pull an Oracle card for the week from the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid.

The card for the week is The Lady of the Lake--A Messengers of Avalon card. It's interesting that the sword comes up in this reading--I have been working a lot with the energies of Archangel Michael this weekend and will continue to work with him this whole week. Here is the female parallel of Michael--The Lady of the Lake's sword is the sword of truth. The energies of this card and the focus of this week is to be honest, to act with integrity, and to be courageous. There is no second-guessing here. You are being called to move forward regardless of the challenges that may come with this action--this change.

"In the ancient legend of Avalon, the Lady of the Lake presented Merlin with the sword of truth, which had been claimed by Arthur, who became the High King of Britain. The magic that welded this metal was fired by the will of the God and the Goddess. Consequently, when the Lady of the Lake appears, she demands nothing short of total truth and integrity; and she asks that you be mindful of the signs, signals, and omens that present themselves to you. Seek the sword of truth within yourself and great success will be yours. Have courage when the Lady appears, the strength of Avalon is behind you in support of your quest for wholeness and abundance."

The month of March is a month of renewal, planting seeds, and starting to take action. We are starting to come out of the slumber of the winter months, even if winter is still around you--the energies of spring are blooming within you. What do you want to start to nurture within you--what do you want to grow this year? Really look at what you are feeling and what you want--have faith and courage to move forward in creating a life that is soul fulfilling.

I am offering a special for the month of March--it's a rebirthing/renewal spread. It is a 6 card reading-looking at balance, growth, regeneration, "fertility", and potential in your life. I will also pull an Oracle card for your question. I am offering this reading for $20 (usually $30). Email me at, private message me at or simply click the Paypal button on the top right corner of my home page on this blog.

Many blessings to you and yours!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sorry I have been absent. I was sick and then I just recently started a new job. I have been going through major transitions. But I really wanted to pull card for the weekend, which is leading up to the full moon on Monday. We are already entering the energies of the full moon in Virgo.
With all full moons, brings a level of sensitivity and heightened emotions. But it is magnified by the moon being in Virgo. You may have some uncomfortable feelings, negative thoughts, and possible anxiety in the coming days. You may be feeling the opposite--you may feel very focused, motivated, and task oriented. Maybe even a combination of the two. However you are feeling/whatever you are thinking--this is an opportunity to heal and to take action that can greatly improve your life. Anything from committing to a healthier lifestyle, to doing some early Spring cleaning, to being of service to others---will shift you out of your potential negative and worrisome thoughts and/or feelings.
I started out pulling a card from the Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle deck, but spirit guided me to a different deck--Earth Magic Oracle deck by Stephen Farmer. The card for the weekend is CRYSTALS: FOCUS. This is such a perfect card for this full moon weekend. The crystal connected to this card is Amethyst, which is one of the most powerful healing quartz crystals. This card reminds us that crystals help to focus the power of our life force. They magnify where our attention goes. If used in connection to your intention setting and manifestation work--this crystal, as well as so many others, helps to bring that intuition to fruition.

"It is time to bring your complete focus to the subject of your inquiry. Eliminate all distractions, and give this your undivided attention. Whether this is a project, relationship, or simply a relaxing time spent walking in Nature, be fully present to the situation. This sharpening of focus will expand your awareness and allow your inner guidance to penetrate your consciousness, which can then be parlayed into appropriate action. By being focused with crystal clarity, you are in the flow of your life force and, in fact, have become one with it. It is not a hypervigilant or tension-filed state, but one of relaxed attention. Keep your eyes , ears, and heart focused on that which you need to pay attention to, and miracles can be created..."
I am offering a full moon special--if you order yours anytime between Friday, February 19th-Wednesday 24th--you can get a Celtic Cross 10 card reading (an in depth look at past, present, environment, relationships, inner and outer influences and future) for only $30 (usually $50)! Private message me for yours.
Blessings to you and yours!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Aquarius New Moon and Valentine's Day Reading for February 8-14

Tomorrow (Monday, February 8th) is the New Moon in Aquarius and the Chinese Fire Monkey New Year. This is still a time of year of major new beginnings. We are still shedding the past--the old year, giving gratitude for the gifts and lessons there. Aquarius is a very rebellious sign and the energy of Aquarius is very innovative and can bring about impactful awakening and healing. The Chinese Fire Monkey New Year brings an element of adventure and ambition to 2016. 

I am using the Fairy Tarot cards for this reading. I wanted to use a deck that had some festivity, liveliness, and an Aquarian vibe to it.

The first card is for the beginning of the week and it's Strength. This is a major arcana card, some of the most powerful in tarot. There can be some challenges during the beginning of the week--you are being asked to maintain your divine inner strength. There may be some irritability this week--in yourself and/or others. Try to maintain neutrality and remember that kindness and forgiveness are important aspects to strength. There is much power in them. The symbols of the lion and the lamb in this card represent that strength within gentleness. Another message here is to stay strong in your convictions--be who you truly are--no apologies--no need to justify yourself to others.

The second card for the middle of the week is Ace of Spring. Aces are all about new beginnings and spring is connected to the element of fire--full of passion, creativity, action, adventure, self development, and risk taking. For those of us in the Southern states--Spring is kinda already here--flowers are already in bloom--life is stirring. For those of you in the Northern states, where winter is still going strong--life is stirring beneath the snow and ice. Last week was the Celtic Pagan Sabbat of Imbolc, celebrating fire and light. Brigid, the goddess connected to Imbolc, is the protector of home, the flame keeper, and young mother who nurtures the seeds of spring and our inner seeds we plant for growth, renewal, and abundance for the year. Now is the time to plant those seeds and to start taking action. Stand in your strength and have the courage to go after your dreams and desires. This is a time of opportunity as well, particularly connected to your career--to your work life. Release any inclination towards perfectionism and feeling like you have to have every detail fleshed out. As you make steps, all the next steps will make themselves known as you continue and move forward on your path.

The third card, which is for the weekend and for Valentine's Day is another major arcana card--Balance. Make sure you take time to listen to others perspectives this weekend. There may be a need for compromise. There is an energy of impulsivity this week--try to balance these energies within you and refrain from making rash decisions. It is important to take some quiet time this weekend--meditate, spend time in nature, spend some time alone, journal--do anything that helps you relieve stress and anxiety. Call upon the fairies to help you release these and embrace playful and peaceful feelings. This time spent in reflection may help you come up with solutions to a decision you need to make. Things will come to you creatively. The images on this card symbolize the balance of feminine energy (red) and masculine energy (white). They come together in the Chalice, reminding us that the balance of the two energies within ourselves and within our environment that brings about a balance that brings creation, success, health, and joy. There is a lot of imbalance between the feminine and masculine energies in our society. It can cause so many unnecessary problems, conflict, and pain. For the women in the work world--especially in environments where you feel like you have to take on and express more masculine energy than your divine feminine. Remember that when you leave the office--leave that at the door. If you are single, it will help you attract the right partner--if you are in a relationship, it will deepen and strengthen your bond. Ladies--take some time this weekend to deepen into your feminine energy. Sometimes the quickest and most effective ways are to pamper yourself, dress like the goddess you are--put on some sensual music and move your body in soft, rolling movements. If you are married or in a relationship--involve your partner when you feel like you're in your feminine energy. Valentine's day is a perfect time to find that balance again. Sensuality and luxury abound.

I would like to take this time to address something that often isn't at this time of year. For those of you out there who are grieving the loss of a relationship or someone, have been going through a divorce, or have been searching for your partner for a long time--I know Valentine's Day can be challenging and sometimes painful. Just remember that you aren't alone and that Valentine's Day isn't just about romantic relationships. Take some time to express your love and appreciation for your family and friends--surround yourself with those who love and support you. This is also a time to do some self care--love yourself--you are beautiful and deserve love and abundance.

Whether you are celebrating your relationship, marriage, family, friends, yourself--or all of the above, I am sending you lots of love and blessings for an abundant and successful year!

I am offering a choice of 3 different spreads for February's special--one is a relationship spread--this is usually about a romantic relationship, but it can be for any relationship. It's a 12 card reading that brings about clarity and insights into yourself and into your partner. This spread can also be applied to single people who want to get information about a future relationship. It is $40 (usually $60). The second special offering is a "should I stay or should I go" spread. It's a 6 card reading for $20 (usually $30). The third special is a heart healing/heart chakra spread--are you experiencing a broken heart right now? If so, this is the spread for you. It is a 5 card spread, with an Oracle card pulled for a specific question you might have. I am offering this for $15 (usually $30).

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Earth Magic Oracle Reading for 1/25-1/31

Hope everyone had a good weekend and enjoyed the first Full Moon of the year. I am called to use the Earth Magic Oracle deck by Steven Farmer for this week's reading.

The first card is for the first part of the week--it's Dance--Celebration! We are still in the energies of the full moon--the Wolf moon. We are still feeling wild and free. We danced and played music before we learned to speak to one another--it's in our primal ancestral blood. This is how we told stories and created lasting memories that were passed down to future generations. This is a time of both an honoring and celebration of self, but also a communal celebration in which each person plays their part--everyone's voice is heard and everyone is seen. Rituals are created--Spirit is invoked and connection to Spirit is expressed. "The participation of the community in this heartfelt enactment helps secure the bonds of the people and connects them to their spiritual and ancestral roots. When we celebrate anything in this way, it always touches a deep sense of love, gratitude, and appreciation."

Take this time to focus on what you want to celebrate in your life. If you are feeling depressed and have a difficult time focusing on anything to celebrate--think about a time in your life that was the most celebratory experience you've ever had. That can help you find at least one thing in your life worth honoring and celebrating. Take some time during the beginning of the week to move your body--pay attention to what you're drawn to--what kind of music do you choose? Do you want to move slow or fast? How does the movement make you feel? You may feel called to sing as well--what are you singing? Play a drum or shake your tambourine. Journal your experiences. You might even want to write a song about what you are celebrating. If you feel moved to share your experience and/or your creation, please comment below.

"God's wish is for everyone to enjoy their time on Earth, and part of that wish is to celebrate your capacity to be joyous and express it through your body. Whether in private, with a small group of friends, or a large communal gathering, let music, song, and dance be a part of your sacred ceremony regardless of what you are celebrating. For truly, any celebration is sacred."

For the middle of the week--Fog--Veiled. There will be a slight pause in the middle of the week. You might be feeling a little confused and have difficulty making decisions. Be okay with that and hold onto faith that the fog will lift and the sun will shine through. Allow for silence and stillness.
"...Even within the thickest fog, we can be assured that it will eventually burn off as the sun's rays infiltrate the veil. Once they do so, we can anticipate how the light and warmth will bring us welcome relief from the cold. As the sun continues to disperse the fog, our surroundings become illuminated, and we have the opportunity to continue onward." "....No matter what attempts you make right now to make things happen or move in any specific direction out of impatience or frustration, you risk only creating more confusion and uncertainty. So be still and patient. Wait for that first glimmer of awareness to lift the veil so that you can see the choices before you more clearly and can then choose to align yourself with the will of Spirit."

For the weekend--Volcano--Volatility. Life comes out of destruction and release. Like the Phoenix Rising, a death is required for rebirth and for growth. We will soon be entering the time of rebirth in the Wheel of the Year--with Imbolc, the festival of fire and light, happening next week and the Spring Equinox--we are preparing for our rebirth. Before I pull cards, I meditate and call in my guides and angels. Sometimes my animal spirits show up and sometimes I get images that I know are connected to a reading. One of the images I saw was a dragon. First time seeing a dragon and feeling the dragon energy. I am actually not all that familiar with dragon energy. Something I will explore more. The dragon was red with a scaly serpentine prickly arrow-like tail. This weekend, invoke the primal, ancient, supernatural wisdom within you and the wisdom that comes from the "eruptions" that may be happening in your life. Dramatic changes may make you feel unsafe and insecure, but hold on to the knowledge that it's all happening for a reason. It may help you to reassess your life, your choices, and maybe even your relationship(s). "Although these events may rock your world, know that Spirit is the guiding force behind them. It is a matter of finding your trust that Life knows what it is doing in the midst of these storms of change. It also requires you to make adjustments quickly and to not cling to what was, but instead move forward and welcome with your arms wide open what is yet to come, all from a place of being present in this moment. You truly have nothing to fear."
Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of Volcanos is connected to this card. She shows us that fire can purify, release us from the old to make way for the new, and ignite our passions. "Pele is described as 'She who shapes sacred land,' and it's from this magnificent and powerful goddess being and her periodic eruptions that new Earth is formed as the resulting lava merges with her sister, the goddess of the sea, Na-maka-o-kaha'i." Call upon Pele to help you get in touch with your true passion, or to deepen in your passion--to motivate and excite you. She will help you feel deeply and release fear of taking action to manifest your dreams and desires.

I hope the reading resonated with you! Have a beautiful week--let us know how things unfold for you this week if you're moved to do so.

This is the last week of the New Year's 12-card special, plus Oracle card for $40 (usually $60). I am a little backed up with readings, but if you order yours before the end of the month--and I can't get to it next week, I will honor the offering and do your reading the first week of February.

Many blessings to you and yours!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Healing with the Fairies Reading for Tuesday, January 19-Sunday, January 24

People in my circles have been dealing with a lot of grief, loss, depression, mental and physical health problems. I am feeling called to do a reading for healing. We have a full moon in Leo this weekend. As some of you know the full moon can heighten any feelings you're having, but there is also an opportunity to release and heal. This weekend is a great time to do some heart chakra meditations--to work on heart healing and to do something creative. It doesn't have to be anything fancy--you could even do some simple crafting or drawing with your kids, if you have them. A message I am getting right now is that a lot of us are doing or needing to do some inner child healing--to nurture and love our inner child. Being around children can help you get in touch with that part of you--if you feel you've lost it.

For Tuesday and Wednesday the card is Be Honest with Yourself. This is time to do some inner reflection. This card echoes what I was already sensing--you may be feeling stuck, depressed, angry, and/or anxious. These feelings can come up if we aren't being honest with ourselves. You might feel like you can't afford to be honest with yourself or that you don't have a choice in a particular matter. This card is just a gentle nudge for you to admit your true feelings to yourself. I know it's really cold where most of us live right now and it might not be a good time to get outside--if it's not, at least look out a window at the trees and the sky. Watch the clouds roll and sit in direct sunlight for at least 15 minutes. Close your eyes and allow the warmth of the sun to wash over you. Buy some flowers if you can and do a flower meditation. Even if you can't see or hear the fairies, send them your thoughts, your feelings, and your experiences. Ask them to help you get in touch with your deepest innermost feelings. The fairies can hold a mirror up to you so that you can see and admit your truth. Here's an affirmation: "It's safe for me to be honest with myself and with others. I speak my truth with love."

For Thursday and Friday the card is Inner Power. This is a perfect card and makes perfect sense after the first one--in being honest with yourself, you move into inner power. Allow yourself to experience and express your true power--this is not the power of the ego--this is true pure divinely inspired power. Your guides will bring you opportunities to use and expand your power in ways that bring blessings to you and everyone around you. Heaven needs the lightworkers of the world, including you, to realize and utilize their power. You are being asked to release any fears you might have surrounding your power. Also--have you given your power away? If so, especially for the women out there--it's time to take it back!! You have a right to feel a sense of high self-esteem and to honor yourself by taking very good care of your body, mind, and spirit. Keep working on your dreams and aspirations for what you want to manifest--spend time in prayer and meditation. Maybe continue with some of the suggestions that go along with the first card. The better you feel about yourself and your sense of self-worth, the more comfortable you will be with owning and utilizing your power for the greater good of all. Here's an affirmation: "It is safe for me to be powerful! I have all the power of the Universe flowing through me and supporting me!"

For Saturday and Sunday (the full moon) the card is Make Music. This also echoes the messages I was getting before I pulled cards--this weekend is a time to do something creative. Take time to sing, play a drum, or any other musical instrument--if you don't feel called to make music--turn on some music and feel it lift your soul to a higher level. You will be in a better mood and have a more positive outlook. The fairies play music at their celebrations because they know it is therapeutic. You are guided to surround yourself with music this weekend--maybe go and listen to some live music--dance around. Whatever music you're drawn to--it might be slow and relaxing, or quick and joyful. Take time to notice how it makes you feel--does your mood feel lifted? Do you have more energy? Make note of any songs you might hear repeatedly, either on the radio or in your mind. The lyrics, or the memories brought up by a song, could contain messages for you that will answer a specific question that might have been on your mind of late. Here's an affirmation: "Deep within my soul, I now accept and experience the healing power of music."

I hope you enjoyed the reading and you have a week full of reflection, healing, and creative expression.

I am still offering the New Year's special for the 12 months ahead, plus an intuitively chosen oracle card for $40 (usually $60). This special will be over on the 31st. This is such a great time of year to get a reading--it's so comprehensive and you can re-visit it all year. This is also a great week to get a reading--harnessing the energies of the full moon.

Many blessings to you and yours! May you have deep healing and restoration this week!