Sunday, May 22, 2016

Abundance, Release, Manifest: Full Moon in Sagittarius and end of May Reading

Wow! Life has been a little crazy, but I am back with a powerful reading for the full moon energies and the end of May. This reading applies to the rest of the month. I am starting with focusing on today and the next couple of days, which are still within the energies of the full moon. I am using the Earth Magic Oracle cards by Stephen Farmer. The card is Tsunami: Wake-Up Call. This being a water and moon card, makes perfect sense for the next couple of days. A Tsunami is one of the scariest and destructive natural occurrences. I used to have repetitive nightmares of seeing a tsunami come my way, sometimes I would experience the wave washing over me and taking me away. I have always known that these were wake up call dreams. Sometimes I had the opportunity to escape to higher ground, or to the very top floor of a high rise building. This card signals a wake up call for your life--there may be some major loss or other intense event in your life right now. You probably weren't prepared for it and may be shocked or at least surprised by the things that are happening. You are being called to confront the truth that exists in this--there is no need to amplify what is already a dramatic experience. You may be able to start to recall signs that foreshadowed this happening. Take time to recall if there were obvious or subtle clues that you may have ignored or dismissed. This is a calling to pay attention to your instinct, just like animals, who rely on their primal instinct for survival. Listen to your intuition and seek the higher ground of spiritual truth.

I am using the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle cards for the rest of the week's reading (through May 29). Love (The Sacred Journey Markers) is the card. This card is here to remind you to show love and kindness to all you come across. It's time that we shift the perspective that we are just a solitary person on this earth. We are all a part of a living, breathing, unified system. Love is what created us, and we need to keep it flowing. This card is also calling you to receive. The unending flow of giving and receiving is one of the keys to the Law of Attraction--to living a life that's truly abundant. Notice any ways that you may be blocking love. What are the changes that you need to make to allow? We are given this life from the Divine, we are responsible for being the stewards of that love, which exists without conditions. Love is respectful, mindful, sacred, and it acts in accordance. Love reminds us that Mother Earth, the oceans, and all that reside are a living being. "Love is the very essence of the Divine in you, and it sees the Divine in others." Take time before you act, before you speak, and think--is this what Love would do? The answers will empower you with divine truth and integrity of action. How does this act transform you? 

The last card, which is for the last couple of days of May (May 30-31st), is from the Llewellyn Tarot deck. It's a Major Arcana card, which are the most powerful in tarot, Temperance: Keeper of the Well. This deck is based upon myths, legends, and the culture of medieval Wales. Legend says that beneath the waters of Cardigan Bay lies the submerged kingdom of the Cantre'r Gwaelod, or "bottom hundred." Fishermen claim that on bright days one can still see its ghostly ruins casting shadows on the ocean floor. It was once a fertile plain supporting sixteen towns before the waters rose in the sixth century to swallow a span of land measuring forty miles long and twenty wide. This legend is very involved and complex, with different variations across many different cultures. The simplified and tamer, latter versions tell of how the land was protected from the sea by an embankment of stone and sluices. Gwyddno Garanhirs, lord of the realm, entrusted the care of the embankment to a man named Seithennin, who was a notorious drunk among an already indulgent population. Seithennin left his duties to his assistants, who left them to theirs, who left the wall to itself and thus to decay. One night a banquet was held, and Seithennin being "in his cups" left the sluices open, and the sea raged in to conquer the land and its people in one dreadful night. One version translated from the Black Book of Carmarrthen, is that "Seithennin had violated a young girl who tended a magic well, which then overflowed and flooded the lands of Gwyddneau." 

The meaning of this card is moderating and adapting. You will be able to manage a difficult situation in a calm and thoughtful way. There are themes of healing, balance, reflection, and patience connected to this card. This card is sometimes called the Art card and tells of visionary art that brings ideas from one world to the next; thus being of two worlds. Transformation, success, nurturing, good health, protection, self-control, harmony, and inner peace are also themes connected to this card.
May you all have a beautiful, abundant, and healing rest of May. I am offering an Abundance, Releasing, Manifesting tarot special for the month of June, in honor of the Summer Solstice/Litha--the mid-point of the year, and longest day of the year. There is a 6 card spread for $20 and a 10 card spread for $40. Email me at for yours, or if you're on a computer (doesn't work on phones), you can simply click on the "Buy Now" Paypal button at the top right of the home page. You can also visit me on Facebook at
Blessings to you and yours! 

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