Thursday, October 22, 2015

Reading for the weekend--October 23-25

Here's the reading for the weekend--we are moving closer to the full moon, so energies will be heightened. Here in Arkansas we are supposed to finally have rain and fall temps will return, hopefully for good for the rest of the season. This time of year, I am thinking about the past--working on what I need to integrate and what I need to release, while also looking towards the future and enjoying the beautiful fleeting moment of fall. I feel like my energies are balanced between the three during this time. I have chosen the Angel Therapy Oracle cards to pull a card for this weekend. A card "jumped" out with this reading--so there will be two cards for the weekend. This weekend is all about working on the chakras. Particularly the Solar-Plexus Chakra and the Crown Chakra. The first card is the Solar-Plexus card. The angels want to remind you that you are powerful. You may have been experiencing issues connected to power and control. Remember that power is not always the way we think it is. This is not the hollywood picture of power that is in the movies. It's not aggressive or taking control over others. Remember that it doesn't matter if you feel powerful or if you're scared--just by being--you ARE powerful. It's safe for you to use your power in ways that are for the greater good of all. Power is being authentic with yourself and with the people in your life. The angels also want to remind you that no one is controlling, or can control you, without your permission--so DON'T GIVE YOUR POWER AWAY. This is particularly true for women. You have choices and options--the angels can help you make decisions and assist you in feeling more in control of your life and your spiritual gifts. Take some time to do a chakra meditation this weekend. If you need a guided meditation, there are several good ones on Youtube. I prefer Doreen Virtue and Sage Goddess guided meditations. Put your hand slightly above your belly button--this is where your solar-plexus chakra is--breath into this area--deep breaths--with the inhale and exhale balanced. Call upon Archangel Michael for assistance: "Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please cut any cords of fear from my solar plexus to anyone whom I've given my power away to." After a few breaths, say: "Archangel Michael, please give me the courage to take complete responsibility for every aspect of my life."

The second card is Crown Chakra. The angels are asking you to trust and follow the ideas you've recently been receiving--they are the answers you've been looking for. You already know the truth and what to do. Trust your intuition and take action! When you honor your ideas and feelings, the Universe gives you support along your journey and the changes you commit to make. This is a time to clear your crown chakra, which houses your ability to tap into the Divine/Universal wisdom. If you dismiss your intuition as wishful thinking or common knowledge, your crown chakra can become blocked. Remember that genius inventions begin with a dream. Call upon Archangel Uriel, the angel of Divine wisdom and knowledge: "Archangel Uriel, I call upon you now to clear and balance my crown chakra. I ask for your assistance in boosting my belief and faith in the ideas that come to me. Help me in responsibly following through with my Divinely guided ideas." 
Let me know how your chakra meditations go this weekend.
Remember that the October special still stands--only one more week to get a 12 card reading for the year ahead for $45 (usually $60). Message me here, email me at, or visit my website, where you can select the Paypal
Many blessings to you and yours! Have a magical weekend!

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