Monday, October 12, 2015

New Moon in Libra/Reading for October 12-18

Happy New Moon in Libra! Libra is all about relationships, balance, justice, peace, beauty, and grace. This is a time to look to our relationships--what needs to be shifted? What do we truly need to SEE so that we may make changes within ourselves and therefore within our relationships. What can you do now to bring about more balance in your life? I have been really called to work with Goddess energy for tonight and the beginning of this week, so I'm using the Goddess Guidance Oracle cards and for the rest of the week I will use Healing with the Fairies Oracle cards. The card for tonight--the New Moon, and for tomorrow is Coventina, who is the Celtic Goddess of Water. While we are in the element of Air with Libra--emotions can run deep--and water is all about deep feelings, love, romance, relationships, and intuition. All the things sensitive Libra loves--I am a Libra and I really feel this. There is a shadow side to all signs, and Libras shadow is that we are fickle, can be lazy at times, start a lot of things but don't finish them, but the biggest shadow side to us is that while we are usually even-tempered, if we are pushed to far--we lash out and become suddenly angry--and you better watch out, especially for Libras on the cusp of Scorpio (like me)--we can really sting. 

The biggest message I'm getting for now and with this card is to keep our words and thoughts positive. You might be better off waiting for a couple of days to express what you need to--make sure you fully understand the other perspective, or the other option. I get the sense that there is a lot of cussing going on right now--maybe be a little more mindful of the impact of cussing a lot--the impact on yourself and others. This is a time of purification--of the body, mind, and soul. Physically, you might want to pay better attention to your diet and make sure you're getting plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of water, and you may even be called to eat a vegetarian diet for the next couple of days, or even for the week. Libra energy is very social, so you might find yourself imbibing a little more at parties--just be mindful of that and of the potential to have a little too much. Listen to your intuition and follow its' guidance. 

Wishing wells were created to honor Coventina--she is the Goddess who grants your wishes when you through coins in them. Since our bodies are primarily made up of water, she's very involved with helping us purify our bodies, minds, and spirits. You can call upon her for assistance with purification. 

The card for Wednesday/Thursday is Dreams Coming True.

Your dreams are becoming reality--your affirmations, prayers, and visualizations have brought about the fruition of your desires. The fairies are asking you to keep the faith--you may just be seeing glimmers of the manifestation of your dreams--that's because they are in transition from thought-form to your aura, and then they will quickly be turned into material/physical form. Keep praying and ask God and the fairies to help you release any fears that could sabotage your success and the fruition of your dreams. Know that you DESERVE this new abundance, and that it will bring you so much joy. Here's an affirmation: "My heart is filled with gratitude and excitement, knowing that wonderful people and situations surround me now." 

The card for the weekend is Higher Consciousness.

All the releasing and praying you've been doing this week will bring you to a higher state of consciousness. As we near the thinning of the veil between the physical and spiritual realms, the potential for this higher consciousness is ever more powerful. This card validates the messages you are getting from the Divine--anything your feeling, thinking, dreaming, or aspiring to--they are validated. Your higher self, which is one with Divine universal wisdom, is answering all the assistance you've been praying for. Your spiritual practice has helped you to really hear this voice--you've been taking the time to listen--meditating, doing yoga, and spending quiet time in nature. You are listening to love rather than fear. Whichever road you've been taking is working--the fairies ask that you keep having conversations with your higher consciousness. Make sure you take time away from noise and stress--get into nature, join a group with like-minded/hearted people who are also focusing on their spiritual journey, or take a retreat this weekend. The quietening of your life and therefore your mind, will ensure that the voice of your higher consciousness will be loud and clear. This will guide you through all areas of your life. Here's an affirmation: "I easily hear and understand the inner voice of Spirit." 

I hope that you enjoyed the reading for the week! Take advantage of October's special--it's a big one--and this is a great month to receive a reading. It's a 12-card reading for $45 for the 12 months ahead. You can purchase it at the top right corner of this page via Paypal or you can email me at New Moon Blessings to you and yours! 

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