Monday, October 5, 2015

Reading for October 6-11: Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards

I am using the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle cards--for Tuesday/Wednesday--Soulmate Relationship. You are either in a new romantic relationship with a person (or will be soon) who you have a spiritual connection to and are like-minded when it comes to your spirituality. You both enjoy exploring your spirituality, learning, and practicing together. If you are currently single and looking, remember that if you worry too much and try to force things, you aren't going to get the partnership you want. Try and enjoy the process of finding your soulmate. Know that you are loveable and deserve love--you will attract your partner through your warmth and kindness. Trust that Heaven is working on your behalf during this time.

For Thursday/Wednesday--Consult an Expert. You're at a point where you need more information. Sometimes we need the assistance of others, but you definitely want to attract the right expert to help you. Here's an affirmation to help you: "A helpful, knowledgeable, experienced person with integrity is in my life right now, and this person will help me with (describe the situation you want assistance with). This person comes to me easily and naturally, without delay." You will know it when the right person comes. Trust your intuition and don't hesitate or feel guilty about asking for help. Remember that this person might not always be the one you think, so keep an open mind about who the person might be to help you.Take in all the information this person has to offer, take notes, record the meeting, and give thanks to them and to Heaven. It's so important to remember that it's not a sign of weakness to ask for help. By working with talented and informed people, you develop more of a habit of consulting with your guides angels, and the Divine more frequently.

For Saturday/Sunday--Ready, Set, Go! You might not feel like you're ready, but this is the best time to jump in and take action. This will be both big and small steps to move in the direction of your dreams. Push everything aside that is unrelated to your life's mission. Release people who don't support or are trying to stand in the way of your dreams. Make adjustments to your schedule so that you are spending most of your time working towards your goals. This will require you to delegate tasks to other people in your family, community, or hire someone to assist you. Your responsibilities will still be met, and you'll be happier, enjoy greater self-esteem, and attract more abundance in the long run--if you jump in and follow your heart.

It is going to be a powerful week--it's a big week of seeking assistance from others--something that especially women, who take on too much often, really need to do.

October's special is a 12-card reading for the months ahead--one card for each month, for $45 (usually $60. I will intuitively choose the deck(s) to work with. I am also doing a free reading giveaway for this month. Comment below on how you love the fall and the month of October. I will choose intuitively.

I hope you have a beautiful week. Sending you lots of love and blessings!

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