Sunday, November 8, 2015

New Moon in Scorpio/Diwali--Indian Festival of Lights--Reading for November 9-15

The New Moon in Scorpio is this Wednesday, 11/11. This is a time of global awareness and connecting with your guides, angels, and with one another. The new moon coincides with Diwali--The Festival of Lights. This Indian festival celebrates the victory of good over evil. The biggest celebration is on the night of the new moon in honor of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity. 

 With the New Moon being in Scorpio, I have chosen the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle deck to do the reading for this week.

For the beginning of the week:

The card is Pay Attention. Pay attention to the messages the angels are sending you. Notice conversations you over-hear, words expressed by others, and your own inner thoughts and feelings. Look for common threads among the signs. We are leading up to the energies of the New Moon and the synchronicities that are coming. These messages are guidance to help you manifest your Divine purpose. If you hear or feel something more than 3 times, especially within a short amount of time, this is information you should pay close attention to. Use these signs to heal anything that doesn't serve your greatest good, and swim in the direction that your guidance points you. As my teacher and mentor Athena Perrakis of Sage Goddess says, "swim with the tide, rather than resist its pull."

The card for the New Moon--for the middle of the week is Synchronicity!! 11/11 is also a sign of synchronicity so we couldn't have a better card for the New Moon on 11/11. You've been praying for manifestation and you're now experiencing synchronicities. Heaven is calling your attention to the synchronicity and serendipity happening now. The more you notice these magical occurrences, the more they will happen. Write these experiences down in a journal to bring about more synchronicity. You know that there are no coincidental or accidental occurrences. This card reflects your positive thoughts--which are being directed towards what you want to manifest. Your optimism and faith reshape your life into an experience that reflects your higher self. Trust your inner divinely guided guidance. 

The card for the weekend is Blessed Change. With all this attention to intuition, messages from others, from your angels, and from synchronistic events, brings blessed change for the weekend. You've been through a lot--the rough seas are now clear and smooth. Wash away any negativity from your thoughts and let go of hurt from the past--keep only the positive lessons and love. Don't hang onto anything that could weigh you down, such as bitterness and resentment. Let it go! 
You've had negative thought patterns in the past--this is a time to affirm: "I now release the need to experience this life lesson. I extract whatever teachings I need to discover, and I move on to a life of harmonious and peaceful feelings, behaviors, and actions." This weekend brings about turning a corner in your life--your prayers and continued positive thoughts are bringing new rays of Divine light to illuminate your present and your future! 

I hope you enjoyed the reading for the week. Sorry that I haven't been posting for a couple of weeks. I have been adjusting to a new job and suffered a back injury that didn't put me in good shape for doing readings. Feeling better now and so happy to be back doing readings. This month I am offering a gratitude spread for the special offering. It's a 10 card reading centered around gratitude for $40. Please email me at, visit my Facebook page, at or simply choose the option in the scroll down menu on the top right corner of my blog--it directly links to Paypal. 

New Moon blessings to you and yours! Let's celebrate the light within ourselves, within one another, and within the world! 

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