Monday, August 24, 2015

This is an intense week, with a full moon in Pisces coming up this weekend. Here is a reading for the week ahead--for August 24-August 30. It's no surprise that two out of the three cards are Water cards. We are certainly entering a time of deep emotion and intuition. The moon is connected to water, so when the moon is in a water sign, it intensifies those energies. The sun being in Virgo--an earth sign--can help us be a little more grounded during this time.

The first card is for Tuesday and Wednesday--it's Two of Water. This card is all about your personal relationships. This is a card of falling in love. For those who are in a relationship, this is a time of deepening within your partnership. Friendships can deepen at this time as well. There is an opportunity here for forgiveness--let go of your disputes with others--things will work out for both of your greater good. You may also need to forgive yourself--if you've done something to hurt another--apologize from the heart and move on. There is an abundance of love here and with it comes great manifestation and creativity. The angels want you to know that sometimes words aren't enough--there's also an opportunity to deepen your relationship by doing something that shows them how you feel and how much you love them. The greatest gift you could give your loved one this week is time---time to rest, to relax, and rejuvenate--self-care is even more needed as we enter a full moon.

The second card is for Thursday and Friday--it's Three of Earth. The cards are showing the energies of the moon and sun sign this week. This card is all about career and work. This is a time where you may be receiving recognitions or even getting a promotion. This card is connected to creativity and in following your passions--you have great success. You may be working in a group and showcasing great teamwork.

The third card is for Saturday and Sunday. It's another Water card--Five of Water. This card confirms the deep waters of the full moon. This is definitely going to be an intense time, but it's an opportunity to really connect with your angels and guides and heal. We are going to be pretty sensitive during this time and might be focusing on what's not working out and what went wrong in the past--stewing over the past, so to speak. It's important to look beyond this and refocus our minds and hearts--hold onto faith and know that everything is going to be okay. The Universe knows what's best for us, even if we can't see it at this moment. Remember that our thoughts create our reality. If you're grieving the loss of something or someone, know that it's okay to take time to heal. If you're having a difficult time, reach out to a loved one for support and comfort. Do something creative to channel and heal this weekend. It will help you move through these energies. The energies this weekend will make us want to overindulge with food and alcohol. Take time for yourself to rest and retreat--be gentle with yourself and with others. This is a time where arguments can happen easily, so be careful of how you react to situations and choose your words carefully. Call upon your angels and guides to help you. Take time to pray and meditate.

This full moon is the first of three supermoons--so it will look extra bright and large. Happy moon gazing! I am sending you so much love and blessings!

I'm offering a special this week for a 6 card reading (past/present/future) and will intuitively choose 2 decks to work with. This is a great time to get a reading--working with the energies of the full moon. The reading is only $20 (usually $30). Message me for yours!

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