Sunday, August 30, 2015

Reading for the Week: August 31-September 6

For this coming week, I am using the Healing with Fairies Oracle deck. Coming out of the intensely emotional full moon energies, I think we can all use a little healing. This week, your true feelings, your body, and nature be your guide to healing.

The first card, for Monday/Tuesday is Be Honest with Yourself. You may be feeling depressed, angry, or stuck. When we aren't honest with ourselves about how we're feeling, it's easy to feel this way. We all live busy lives and it's easy to push our feelings down in order to take care of what needs to be done. But this is not a way to live a truly happy life. You are being called in the next couple of days, to really allow your true feelings to come to the surface and acknowledge them. You aren't necessarily being called to act on your feelings, just to simply allow and admit your true feelings to yourself. If you want a little assistance in this, go outside, if even for 10 minutes in the next coming evenings after work. Silently notice nature around you--the birds, wind, and trees--this will help you to be honest with yourself about your true feelings. Here's an affirmation: It's safe for me to be honest with myself and others. I speak my truth with love.

The second card, for Wednesday/Thursday is Body Movement. You are being called to take care of your body and express yourself through movement. Take the time to exercise or move your body. You don't have to have a gym membership or go to a class--you can just simply take a walk in your neighborhood or local park, or just turn on some music and dance in your living room. Listen to your body's intuition about what kind of movement you want--is it something fast, like running, or something slow, like yoga or Pilates? Your affirmation is: I lovingly pay attention to my body's needs.

The third card, for the long Labor Day weekend is Happily Ever After. A happy ending to the week. This will be a joyful weekend. You are being called to stop worrying about the future. Your fears can become a self-fulfilled prophecy. There's a big message this week to get out in nature, especially if you weren't able to earlier in the week, make sure you do this weekend. Rejoice in the absolute beauty, inspiration, and perfection of Mother Earth and all of Creation. This joy will renew your faith, and ensure that it is indeed, A Happily Ever After weekend. Your affirmation is: Everything is in Divine and perfect order, right now.

The special for the month of September is a 7-card reading for the rest of 2015--the next 4 months for $25. I can do a general reading or focus on a specific area of life or a specific question. Email me at for yours.

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