Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekly reading for September 14-20

Monday starts with the Jewish New Year. While I am not Jewish, I love learning about all the religious holy days. I don't know much about Rosh Hashanah--I know that it is a time of reflecting upon the year past and a contemplation of how to become a more evolved person. It is also a time to celebrate life and to make sweet wishes for the next year. I love the symbolic foods enjoyed to mark this sacred day--apples and honey are among the many other customary foods. May we always remember to celebrate and savor this sweet life!

As we move into fall this month, I am already aware of the coming winter and the end of the Gregorian year. The reading for this week echoes some of the guidance from last week--makes sense, as we near the autumn equinox--this is the time of year to finish projects and harvest all that you've worked so hard this year to sow and grow. Tonight (September 13) is the New Moon. Because we are still in the energies of the solar eclipse--wait until tomorrow night or the next night to set your new moon intentions. I am using the Archangel Oracle cards for the reading.

The first card-- for Monday/Tuesday--is Clairsentience. You are being guided to pay close attention to your feelings--honor them--and don't be afraid, even if you're feelings are intense. Intense feelings help you to decipher the difference between your feelings and feelings of others around you. Your feelings may be of a physical nature, as well as an emotional one--they are of Divine guidance. Notice any repetitions--repetitions create strong messages and the answers you've been praying for. Call upon Archangel Raguel to help you translate these messages and give you clear guidance on the steps to take. Raguel oversees archangels and angels and ensures harmony, cooperation, and order among them all. In the same way, he can help you uncover your feelings, allowing you to be aware of them, comprehend, and follow them. He can also help to bring about peace between you and others. Call upon Raguel if you are in a challenging situation with another person. He can soften the energy and bring about reconciliation and compromise.

The second card--for Wednesday/Thursday--is You Know What to Do. This card echoes the energies of the previous one and takes it one step further--TRUST your inner wisdom and take action.You are wiser that you realize--if you listen to your inner guidance--you will uncover the answers that you seek. If you have doubts, call upon Archangel Uriel for clear signs to validate your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. He can help you make decisions about the next steps to take and take action! If you call upon Archangel Uriel for guidance, you must be willing to work with him to really take this action.
When working with him, remember that while he can bring about clarity and validation--he illuminates one step at a time--you may not be able to clearly see the overall picture of the outcome of your actions. But one thing is for sure, you WILL know what step to take next. Keep calling upon Uriel for guidance, and he will light up each step along the way.

The third card--for the weekend--is Brilliant Idea! This card is also connected to Uriel--there's a natural flow of this week and each day syncing with the energies of the previous, the current, and the next day. You are guided to action again this weekend, just like the last. Your idea(s) may push your comfort zone, but remember that God doesn't give you more than you can handle. Ask for, but be willing to receive, all the support you need to bring this to fruition. Uriel can give you ideas and creative insights to support your life's purpose. He can give you a boost of confidence. Some other guidance that is coming up is to be extra mindful of your diet this weekend--you may feel an urge to eat a lot of unhealthy foods--offset this urge by doing some self-care, like getting a healing Reiki energy session, massage, hike in the woods, meditation, or doing something creatively healing.

I hope this reading brought you good guidance for the week ahead. I hope you have a wonderful week and really heed the messages here. Would love to hear how the week goes for you. Comment in the fields below. Sending you lots of love! Many blessings to you and yours!

If you would like a personal reading--the special for September is a 7 card reading for the rest of the year for $25. It can be general, but I highly encourage to focus in on a specific question or area of life. Readings are more have more impact and details that way. The special option is in the Paypal button on the upper right corner of my blog. Or you can email me at

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