Monday, April 18, 2016

Shadow and Rebirth--Full Moon in Scorpio/Pluto Retrograde Reading for April 19-24

Pluto went retrograde today, which brings up a lot of energy of the shadow. Our wounds can come to the surface more during this time. Since Pluto rules Scorpio, there is a deep energy of destruction, rebirth, power/ego issues, upheaval, but there is also the opportunity for deep transformation and healing through this. Since we are moving into the energies of the full moon, we are able to harness these energies for major release and renewal. 

The card that I pulled for this week is from the Earth Magic Oracle deck by Stephen Farmer. It's Spring Equinox--Rebirth. While we have already passed the season of Spring Equinox--this card is speaking more to the idea of rebirth. Death is connected to birth/rebirth, which couldn't exist without it. What needs to "die" within you? What do you need to shed before we move into the big energies of the fertile, fiery, and sexual energies of Beltane and the beginnings of summer? We are getting into the heart of Spring--all the life that is coming about--reminding us of the continuous cycles of Mother Earth. How are these cycles reflected within you?

"Sometimes birth" (rebirth)"can be painful, particularly in that passage just before delivery, yet what emerges can be fresh and beautiful. Be with the emergence of this next cycle with faith and grace."

I am offering a very special reading for the rest of April--a Shadow Tarot spread. You can choose either a 6 card or a 9 card reading. This reading looks at your shadow side--what is your shadow, why do you fear it, what is your challenge, what could you learn and grow from it? The 6 card reading is $20 and the 9 card reading is $35.

You can purchase yours by clicking on the Paypal button on the top right corner of my blog's home page. You can only see this button on a computer for some reason. If you cannot see the Paypal button, you can email me at or simply go to Paypal--click on send money--click on Friends and Family and enter in my email address and the amount. I can also invoice you via Paypal, if you'd prefer.

I will be restructuring my offerings/business, so look for exciting additions soon.

Hope you have a very transformational week! Blessings!