Sunday, December 6, 2015

Happy Hanukkah! Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Card Reading for December 7-13th

I have been very busy lately, but I am back with a powerful reading for next week. Today is the first night of Hanukkah--Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate it! I certainly do! Next Friday is the New Moon and we are only 15 days away from Winter Solstice. This is a powerful, but also stressful time of year. I'm going to try my best to do as many readings as possible this month. I apologize in advance if I don't do as much as I typically do. I also want to announce that I am branching out and using other decks outside of the Angel card family. It's something that I've been thinking about and meditating on for a while and after getting a few new oracle decks, my guides have given me the message to definitely do this. I will still primarily be using the angel cards, but now you have some options if you'd rather me read with a different deck. I will be getting a classic tarot deck in sometime this month, definitely by January. It is back ordered right now. Please let me know if you are interested in this--as I don't want to offer something that you might not be interested in. Most of you don't know that I started learning traditional tarot over 15 years ago, and that is the base of my knowledge of tarot. I had a wonderful teacher who was also an amazing reader in Woodstock, NY.
Now for the reading--I am going to be using a new oracle deck. It's The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid. I hope you enjoy!

For the beginning of next week: The Cat: Independence and Healthy Boundaries. This card is one of the animal guides of Avalon. Love with freedom--loosen up on attachment to "owning" what you desire. Too much attachment can lead to loss. The Cat is here to guide you to live freely and to remember that the adventure is always just beginning. The Cat gives you the power to do this. Remember the Cat has 9 lives and always lands on its feet no matter what. You will too--just like the cat--no matter how often you fall or how you fall--you will be unscathed just like the cat. You will emerge safe and sound. Live freely, love without unhealthy attachment, and remember that with the Cat as your companion, you may fully immerse yourself in life, for there will be many more lives to come. An additional meaning I am getting here too is that this is the time of year that we all are thinking about the things--all the material things we want. It's hard not to get caught up in the shopping frenzy that happens this time of year. We can easily get overwhelmed by all the catalogues, commercials, ads in social media, and advertisement emails. Take a break from all of this the beginning of this week. Maybe try to unplug in the evening after work. Spend time doing something that isn't focused on the things--watch a holiday movie, cook with your family, spend time in meditation and prayer.

The card for the middle of the week is Joy: a time for celebration! This is a Sacred Journey Marker card. It portends the joyous completion of a project, the attainment of a goal, or the end of a long and arduous journey. The message here is if you are thirsty--you will find ad well; if you're cold, a blanket; if you're hungry, nourishment. While this card has the aspect of celebrating blessings that you will receive, there is also the other aspect of Joy, which is about sharing Joy and bringing to other peoples lives. Joy celebrates itself--its very essence radiates beauty and well-being. Like the spring sun breaking through after a long and gloomy winter, joy reminds us to be grateful for all the gifts of life. It bestows the blessings of happiness. Another message I am getting with this card is one that is connected to the previous card--if you let go of "the things" at the beginning of the week--you will enter into deep, true, pure joy. Sit in gratitude--even if you're having a bad day--a daily gratitude practice does wonders--I've been doing one for over a month now. It helps to ground you and helps to keep your thoughts positive.

There are two cards for the weekend--one jumped out with the other. The first card is Protection--A Sacred Journey Marker card. This card comes right after Joy. It is a reminder for you to protect yourself and be wary of hidden agendas. People are drawn to the light--and you have a bright light. This is just a reminder to protect yourself against psychic/energetic attack. I know a lot of us are with our families and friends more than any other time of year this month--make sure you don't take on any negative or draining vampiric energies of those around you. Call upon your guides and angels to protect you against this. If you have protecting stones like obsidian, smoky quartz, black tourmaline, etc. this would be an especially good time to wear them. The second card that is for the weekend is the Serpent--an Animal Guide of Avalon card. There is a lot of potential for healing and knowledge this weekend. Whatever situation you find yourself in is meant for this purpose. Take time to read a book or take a class in order to gain more understanding of your inquiry. Seek counsel with someone who has knowledge in the area you need help in. The Serpent will help you and guide you to the right answer. You will be successful if you follow the Serpents' guidance. The Serpent also lets you know that you may be suffering because there are aspects of yourself that are wounded and still need tending. This weekend is a great time to do this work. Take time to rest, meditate, study, and allow the knowledge to come into your consciousness. Make sure you get plenty of sleep. Another lesson of the Serpent is that each time you experience a healing or learn new things, you may need to "shed your skin to adopt a new one." There's nothing to worry about here though, this is necessary and it is beautiful. This is the time of year that we do a lot of releasing work to welcome in the new year. While it is a new moon this weekend and a lot of the work we do around a new moon is centered around intentions--this is also a time to set an intention to shed something or integrate some knowledge or a part of yourself you may have lost, discovered, or re-discovered.
I will be doing special readings next week for the New Moon. Starting tomorrow--December 7-13--I am offering a 5 card New Moon spread and will intuitively choose the right deck for you. The first card represents where you are right now in your life. 2nd: What is blocking you from growing? What do you need to leave behind? 3rd: What intentions should you set in order for you to grow? 4th: What knowledge do you need to gain to aid in the cultivation and manifestation of your intentions? 5th: What positive energy will emerge during this phase--for the rest of December? I'm offering this at a very special price, because I am very called to do these readings for you. It will be $15!! (Usually 5-card readings are $25). This is also something that you might be called to gift to a family member, or a friend. It's a great way to "clean house" before the New Year. Hope you enjoyed the reading and it resonated with you. Sending you so much love and so many blessings for a peaceful, joyful and magical holiday season!